Posted by

Barry Siskind

Community Manager


A recent survey by Consumer Reports on US based retail shoppers was reported by Reuters. The survey found that 64% of shoppers left a store because of poor service and 67% hung up the phone before their problems were addressed. One could easily make the leap and assume that when they walked out of the store or disconnected from the phone their shopping needs were unmet and that they looked elsewhere for a solution.


The same argument could be made for a trade fair. Walking a fair is a tiring job for visitors. If they are not treated well, what is the chance they will return next year?


Lack of attention to the visitor experience may be a sleeping volcano many of us will ignore until it erupts at which time it may be too late. The solution will require proactive steps not only by the organizer but also the exhibitor – easily said but difficult to implement.


So, what are you doing?